Listen as Pastor Bill Spencer and a few members of our church family share about how they have seen God use Associate Pastor Sean Hanzelik in their lives as we celebrated Sean’s 10-year Anniversary at Eastwood Church.
Listen as Pastor Bill Spencer and a few members of our church family share about how they have seen God use Associate Pastor Sean Hanzelik in their lives as we celebrated Sean’s 10-year Anniversary at Eastwood Church.
Listen as 4 of our Eastwood family get baptized.
Listen as the Eastwood staff shares how they have seen God work in amazing ways in 2023.
Listen as 5 of our Eastwood family get baptized.
Listen as the children of Eastwood, along with various other, including Pastor Bill Spencer, walk us through 9 Lessons we can learn from the true Christmas story.
Listen as members of God’s family at Eastwood share what they are thankful for.
Due to the length of the service, the video is broken into two parts. You will see both videos below. Part One Part Two
Listen as the women of Eastwood share how God spoke to them at Women’s Retreat 2019.
Listen as Alina & Aleksander Strugala and Chris Atwood are baptized.